Adventure Awaits You at Sunset Island
The Sunset Island Calendar
Sunset Island Activities Calendar 2024
May 22: 4 pm – Inner Bloom – Fresh Flower Arrangement Class (multipurpose room clubhouse)
May 24:10 am – Outdoor pools and pool deck reopen for the season! Open Daily 10 am – 8 pm
May 26: 5 pm – Oyster Ornament Class (multipurpose room clubhouse)
June 11: 5 pm – Cupcake Decorating Class (multipurpose room clubhouse)
June 18: 12 pm – Maryland Coastal Bay Nature Program at Sunset Cove Beach (adjacent to the pool)
June 18: 4 pm – Inner Bloom – Dried Wreath Class (multipurpose room clubhouse)
July 1: 9:30 am – Owner Early Pool Access begins through August 31st
July 4: 9:30 am – Special Owner’s July 4th Dog Swim
July 4: 6 pm – July 4th Parade and Ice Cream Social (bounce houses available for kids 5 pm - 7 pm)
July 9: 3 pm – Maryland Coastal Bay nature Program at Sunset Cove Beach (adjacent to the pool)
July 9: 5 pm – Cupcake Decorating Class (multipurpose room clubhouse)
July 14: 11 am – Inner Bloom – Dried Flower Mini Arrangement Class (multipurpose room clubhouse)
July 17: 3 pm – Maryland Coastal Bay nature Program at Sunset Cove Beach (adjacent to the pool)
August 12: 2 pm – Maryland Coastal Bay nature Program at Sunset Cove Beach (adjacent to the pool)
August 13: 5 pm – Cupcake Decorating Class (multipurpose room clubhouse)
August 31: 9:30 am – Final day of Owner Early Pool Access
September 3: Pool hours Reduced to 10 am to 6 pm for the remainder of the season
September 7: End of Season Owner Party (outdoor pool will close at 2 pm, the indoor pool will be open normal hours)
September 15: 6pm – Outdoor pool and pool deck close for the season
Additional weekly calendars will be available at the clubhouse for added fun options to explore!
Fitness Options
Bootcamp: 50-minute sessions Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 8:30 am $10 per person. Class is canceled if it is raining. Meet at the interactive fountain 10 minutes early, bring water and a yoga mat or towel.
Yoga on the Beach: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays at 9 am, located at Hidden Cove Beach at the end of Fountain Drive West
​All Fitness Options are weather-dependent - pay instructors directly.
Summer-Long Activities
Owner Dog Swim: Every Saturday, beginning May 25th from 9 am - 10 am at Hidden Cove Beach (At the end of Fountain Drive West, the final dog swim is September 21st)
Weekly Movies on the Beach: See our weekly calendar at the clubhouse for movies, dates, and times.
Weekly Tie Dye Sessions: Tuesdays at 2 pm, in the grassy area at the end of the pool.
Weekly Candle Making Class: Wednesdays at 5 pm, in the multipurpose room at the clubhouse.
Weekly Rock Painting Sessions: Thursdays at 2 pm, in the grassy area at the end of the pool.
You can follow the Sunset Island Community Association, Inc. Facebook page, for updates on social activities as they become available.
Check out Ocean City's website for more events happening in Ocean City and the Surrounding areas.
Maryland Coastal Bay Program
Are you ready for an exciting exploration of our bayside waters?
Join the Maryland Coastal Bay Program’s education coordinator and staff for all-ages, hands-on investigation of our sea critters. We’ll use seine nets to gather and identify all sorts of fish, shrimp, snails, crabs, jellies, and other under-the-sea dwellers, and then we’ll work together to safely release them. Come join us on the main beach (Sunset Cove Beach) for a free hour of learning and laughter! Check out the calendar above for the Maryland Coastal Bay Program dates.